Geoffrey Ball is the inventor of VIBRANT SOUNDBRIDGE—and a SOUNDBRIDGE recipient himself. He developed hearing loss at an early age. After trying various hearing aids, the solution was obvious: he needed to build a device that worked with what little hearing he had left. Find out how Geoff turned his personal challenge into a revolutionary creation that has impacted countless lives.
Here are some tips from Tammy, who received bilateral cochlear implants to treat her sensorineural hearing loss. She’s had support from friends and family, and has lots of information about what you can tell your friends and family. Tammy’s Hearing Loss It’s likely an autoimmune inner ear disease caused my sensorineural hearing loss, and only
Christina Anderson Braegger knows what it is like to be the mother of a child with hearing loss. In fact, she is the mother of two: Hallie and Kamdyn. Both were born with hearing loss but it took many years to get a diagnosis. Once she learned Hallie and Kamdyn both had enlarged vestibular aqueducts
Muhammad Bilal Haider is the father of two young girls who were each born with sensorineural hearing loss. They live in Pakistan, and Muhammad had to search a great deal before learning about a treatment for their hearing loss. When he finally learned about cochlear implants in Pakistan, their whole world changed. My daughter Hareem
When Patricia Eastwood developed Meniere’s disease in her right and then left ear, she was plunged into a world of silence. She searched for solutions, but for years it seemed like none would work for her. Then her doctor told her about the MED-EL SOUNDBRIDGE Middle-Ear Implant. Here she shares her story with us: An