Trying to decide between SONNET 2 and RONDO 3? We’ve got some tips to help you pick the right audio processor for your cochlear implant.
Trying to decide between SONNET 2 and RONDO 3? We’ve got some tips to help you pick the right audio processor for your cochlear implant.
In 2024, there are more ways than ever to stream sound to your MED-EL audio processor. We’ve got AudioStream, the AudioStream Adapter, and AudioLink for our cochlear implant users, and SAMBA 2 GO for BONEBRIDGE and VIBRANT SOUNDBRIDGE recipients. But with so many choices, it can sometimes be tricky knowing which one to go for. With that in mind, we’ve put together a guide to the best streaming options for everything from hearing aids to phone calls.
Our new AudioStream cover is here, making direct streaming easy for all SONNET and SONNET 2 series users. After setting it up for the first time, all you need to do is slide the AudioStream cover onto your audio processor to stream music and phone calls in true stereo!
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