Published Jan 17, 2024
A History Teacher Discovering Life With a Cochlear Implant: Muhammet’s Story
33-year-old CI user and teacher Muhammet from Istanbul, Turkey tells us how his RONDO 3 audio processor allows him to work as a history teacher, how his long-term experience with RONDO 3 has been, and how his cochlear implant has changed his life for the better.

My name is Muhammet. I’m 33 years old and live in Istanbul, Turkey. Due to sudden hearing loss, I got a cochlear implant that helped me fulfill my dream of becoming a history teacher. Besides my love for history, I enjoy exploring new places and reading books.
Early Hearing Loss
My hearing journey began when I was a baby. As a result of a febrile illness, I lost my hearing in my left ear. Nevertheless, I managed to complete my primary and secondary school education. During this time, my hearing loss did not cause any serious issues. In my high school years, though, I slowly started to lose my hearing in my right ear too.
Trying Hearing Aids Due to Sudden Hearing Loss
Despite my hearing loss, I decided to study history at the university. Everything went really well with my studies, so it was a shock to me to wake up one night and realize that I had completely lost my hearing in my right ear as well. I tried different kinds of treatments for this sudden hearing loss but unfortunately could not regain my hearing.
This is when I tried hearing aids and lip-reading for the first time which helped me a lot. I fulfilled one of my biggest dreams of becoming a high school teacher. But, in my daily work, I had to face many challenges with my hearing aids. They did not allow me to hear people behind me, I could not talk on the phone, and I also could not enjoy music anymore. Especially in noisy environments, I noticed that it was almost impossible to understand other people.
Finding Out About Cochlear Implants
So, in order to be successful in my job and improve my social life, I decided to check for alternatives.
I found out about cochlear implants and soon decided to undergo the surgery—perhaps the best decision of my life.
CI user and teacher from Turkey
The surgery itself went very smoothly; I was able to leave the hospital the next day and could not wait to get the external audio processor.
Activation Day and First Experiences With RONDO 3
In February 2021, my audio processor was activated. As soon as the device was switched on, I could hear sounds, but they sounded very strange: I could hear very high-pitched and very rough voices, and there was also some buzzing. Fortunately, I was prepared for this and expected it.
What I did not expect is that only two or three days later, the sounds coming from my RONDO 3 audio processor gradually started to improve.
I was able to distinguish words, people’s voices, street noise, car sounds, and all kinds of background noise. Only ten days after activation, I managed to talk on the phone.
CI user and teacher from Turkey
The feeling of being able to talk on the phone again after seven years cannot be described in words.
Rehab Activities for Quick Results
As part of my rehabilitation I increased how much time I spent watching TV without subtitles, and I repeated short conversations frequently to be able to talk on the phone. But I must say that the word repetition process, especially with my family, helped me the most. I was very strict with myself, and it paid off.
It took much less time for my hearing to get used to the RONDO 3 device than doctors and audiologists predicted—which was a big surprise for everyone. Two months after the activation, my ear was already adapted to the new way of hearing.
Hearing With RONDO 3
In the first six months of using my RONDO 3 audio processor, these were the things I noticed:
- I could hear and understand people behind me.
- I could understand people who were wearing masks during the pandemic, so lip-reading was not necessary anymore.
- I could watch my favorite TV shows and films without subtitles.
- I could communicate with my students during online lessons.
- I could talk on the phone whenever I wanted.
- My anxiety in social situations went away.
With my RONDO 3, I am now able to appreciate the sound of birds, the rustle of papers, the sound of the wind, the tick-tock of the clock, my computer keyboard clicking, and so many other lovely sounds around me. And the best feature is that all of this can be done wirelessly and hassle-free.
Long-Term Experiences With RONDO 3
So far, I have had my RONDO 3 for about 2.5 years. The biggest change my audio processor has brought me is the increase in my quality of life. I now feel comfortable in crowded and noisy environments. It’s easy to have conversations now that my self-confidence has increased, and I can socialize without any fears. Especially at my job as a teacher, communication with my students has improved drastically. I love that everyone is noticing the big difference my cochlear implant is making in my life.
My Advice for Others With Hearing Loss
First of all, accept your hearing loss. Do not get caught up in other people’s negative judgments and opinions. Second, I recommend looking for a job where you can find yourself and avoid social isolation.
I want to thank my doctor, who performed the surgery, and my audiologist for their support. Finally, I would like to thank my RONDO 3 for making new experiences possible for me every day.
Thank you, Muhammet!

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© MED-EL Medical Electronics. All rights reserved. The content on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Contact your doctor or hearing specialist to learn what type of hearing solution suits your specific needs. Not all products, features, or indications are approved in all countries.
January 31, 2024
I am so happy for u . I had lost part of my hearing since birth and still going down m. I have and hearing aid inmy left ear and a middle implant on my right side eventually going to get an middle ear implant on my left as my hearing is going down


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