
How Meludia Helps Cochlear Implant Recipients Enjoy Music

It’s official. Music training helps you get the most out of your cochlear implant. And we’re not just talking about music enjoyment. Music training can help you understand conversations in noisy environments, increase your listening skills, and even tune into emotions. But how can you get started with it?

Let us introduce you to Meludia. This online platform makes music training accessible to you, no matter where you are in the world.

Meludia: Music Training Made Fun

Fun, playful, and interactive—that’s Meludia. Just take a look at the star-like interface to see what we mean. It guides you step-by-step through different skill branches, like melody or rhythm. In total there are over 600 different exercises, which you can complete at a pace that suits you.

Meludia Interface

Tailored to Cochlear Implant Users

One of the great things about Meludia is that it’s accessible to everyone. It doesn’t matter how old you are, or what kind of musical background you have. There are levels ranging from “discovery” to “expert”.

Meludia is suitable for all hearing implant users, but especially cochlear implant users. The platform has been thoroughly tested to make sure that the exercises are suitable for all cochlear implant recipients, regardless of when you got your CI, or how severe your hearing loss is.

More Than Music

The platform is built to meet all kinds of musical goals, whether you want to finetune your piano skills, or just get back to enjoying your favorite pop song. But its benefits go beyond music. Studies show that by using music training tools like Meludia you can build your overall listening skills.  It can help improve your listening attention, understanding of speech, and verbal memory.

Meludia Music Training Example

“I am totally enthused by it”: Laura

One cochlear implant user who already uses Meludia to help with her music rehabilitation is singer Laura from Austria. She tries to practice for at least 15 minutes a day and has found it helps her know what to focus on and practice music better.

“It has brought me lots of structure. I have finally learned how I can practice music better. With Meludia, I am not so frustrated with singing as before, because I just have to achieve these small steps,” says Laura.

“The interface is gorgeous”: Brian

CI user Brian from the US wasn’t sure what to expect when he started using Meludia but soon found that Meludia helped him improve his enjoyment of music. But it went beyond that. He felt that it was good for his brain too.

“I see benefits from learning to hear and discriminate sounds and music better. But I also felt that somehow it was good for my brain to do the exercises. It felt like not just a learning process but also positive stimulation of my hearing and mental processing,” says Brian.

Free Access to Meludia for myMED-EL Users

Want to try Meludia for yourself? We’re offering 12 months of free access to Meludia through your myMED-EL account.* Sign up here.

Don’t have a myMED-EL account yet? No problem! It’s free to sign up for one.

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The content on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please contact your doctor or hearing specialist to learn what type of hearing solution is suitable for your specific needs. Not all products, features, or indications shown are approved in all countries.


* Offer may not be valid in all countries due to local laws and restrictions. Offer unavailable in Japan for legal reasons. 



Nathalie Moore

August 02, 2023

I am very disappointed to learn this isn't available in the US. I have a grandson with a beautiful voice but I have little opportunity to listen to him. I have always felt his voice was as enjoyable even after my implant. But I can't say the same of other singers so I would have really appreciated Meludia. Other singers often sound a little off key to me so I would appreciate some tips on how to hear music more accurately, especially singers. For some reason, his voice always has sounded the same to me even after my implant. I have thought it was because my brain knew his voice for so long and so well.


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August 03, 2023

Hi Nathalie, thank you for reaching out. We have forwarded your message to the local MED-EL team in the US and they will reach out to you directly via e-mail to find a solution. Kind regards, Gordana


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Brenda Blackwell

August 04, 2023

I am so disappointed this is not available in the US. I have trouble with music and high pitch female voices. Please make this available for us. Thank you.


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August 08, 2023

Brenda, thank you for reaching out. We have forwarded your message to the local MED-EL team in the U.S. They will reach out to assist in finding a solution for you. Kind regards, Alicia


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Thomas B Erwin

August 08, 2023

As a singer for over 50 years, prior to implantation, and a dancer for nearly 30, music has been a huge part of my life. While I can enjoy it to a point, there is room for improvement. I would love to try Medulia, but lack access in the US. Will this situation ever be remedied?


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August 08, 2023

Thomas, thank you for sharing how music has been a huge part of your life. We have forwarded your message to the local MED-EL team in the U.S. so that they may contact you directly to find a solution. Kind regards, Alicia


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December 20, 2023

Let's go MedEL!!! I chose MedEL because it was the best for music.. Let's get this available in the U.S.


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Felicien MoyiKwambanga

December 24, 2023

Hi. I would like to try the training.


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December 27, 2023

Hi Felicien, thanks for your comment. Please check out the last paragraph of the article for your free Meludia training sign-up. Kind regards, Gordana


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Lori Lebowitz

December 27, 2023

I was not aware that it's unavailable in USA. I had one side done with cochlear implant and miss music so much..Its been over 2 years. Is there a way now?


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December 29, 2023

Lori, thank you for sharing your journey with us. Unfortunately, the offer is not valid in the US due to local laws and restrictions. If you'd like to learn other tips to practice music training, you might be interested in this blog: Kind Regards


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Lillian Hart Rice Gillespie

December 31, 2023

I am interested in anything that helps me hear better. Please send more information.


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January 02, 2024

Lillian, thank you for your comment. If you are interested in Meludia, please have a look at the end of this blog to see if our free access offer is applicable to your country. If you'd like to learn more about our hearing solutions, we'd recommend getting in touch with your local MED-EL team, as they will be best equipped to provide you with information based on your hearing needs. You can find their contact details here: If you'd like to stay up-to-date on our latest resources, please fill out the subscribe form at the bottom of this page. Kind Regards


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