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Audiologist With ADHEAR & BONEBRIDGE: Juan Pablo’s Story

Audiologist Juan Pablo can hear his patients and provide them with the best care possible thanks to his BONEBRIDGE bone conduction implant and ADHEAR bone conduction hearing aid. In this article, he tells us how he’s able to experience hearing that sounds natural despite microtia thanks to his hearing devices.

My name is Juan Pablo, and I’m a 34-year-old doctor from Mexico. I’m about to complete my specialization in audiology, a field I’m deeply passionate about and have a personal connection to. Since I was born with microtia, a congenital malformation of the ears, I’ve had hearing loss since birth. It’s shaped my daily experiences and given me a unique understanding about what living with hearing loss is like.

My Hearing Journey

Throughout my childhood until I was about 12 years old, I didn’t use any hearing devices. This made it very difficult for me to understand what other people were saying, especially in crowded places. With the support of my family and by learning how to lip-read, I was able to progress in school.

A huge turning point in my life was when one of my teachers spoke to my mother and insisted that I should get a hearing device. My mother agreed, and with my hearing device, I discovered a new world.

Sounds were clearer, conversations were easier, and I realized that I didn’t like being alone—I had simply avoided people because I couldn’t communicate easily.


Being a part of the hearing world enabled me to earn my medical degree and start my specialization in audiology. I used a bone conduction headband, but it had limitations in terms of clarity and sound quality and could be uncomfortable. During my studies, I discovered that there are better alternatives to bone conduction headbands.

ADHEAR Bone Conduction System
Learn About ADHEAR

I started using ADHEAR and experienced a great improvement in sound quality. And it’s also much more discreet and comfortable compared to a bone conduction headband.

BONEBRIDGE Bone Conduction Implant

I later went for a BONEBRIDGE bone conduction implant, and the improvement in sound clarity was incredible! It was like going from HD hearing to 4K hearing. The improved hearing ability it provided me gave me a greater sense of comfort and freedom that I had never experienced before.

Hearing via Bone Conduction

When my SAMBA 2 audio processor was activated, it felt like my ears had been gently and finely opened. I could suddenly hear everything around me with incredible clarity: the wind, footsteps—and my mother’s voice, which stood out to me louder and clearer than the other sounds.

The incredible sound quality was especially clear to me when I attended a symphony concert:

It was like being able to hear each instrument separately and, at the same time, all of them together in perfect harmony. It’s hard to explain, but it was a beautiful experience to feel.

If I were to rate how natural hearing with ADHEAR and BONEBRIDGE is on a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 indicated natural hearing. I would give ADHEAR an 8 and BONEBRIDGE a 9.

Juan Pablo using his SAMBA 2 audio processor for his BONEBRIDGE bone conduction implant

Hearing in Daily Life

There are two major ways my hearing devices help me in my daily life. First, they enable me to hear my patients much more clearly, so I can interact with them and take notes about what they say more easily—without having to read their lips.

And second, for my patients who are candidates for hearing devices, seeing me gives them confidence: They’re not only dealing with a doctor, but with someone who truly understands their situation. They are reassured that they can significantly improve their quality of life with a hearing device, just like I have.

My Advice to People With Hearing Loss

The first step is to accept that you—or your child or family member—have hearing loss. Hearing is a beautiful thing, and it helps us face the challenges of daily life.

There are alternatives that help us face this world designed for hearing people, and it’s important not to be afraid to give ourselves or our loved ones that opportunity.

Thank you, Juan Pablo!


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