Published Nov 02, 2022
Welcome back to our Rehab at Home for Adults series where you can learn how to reach everyday listening goals and improve your hearing. Today’s goal is about understanding conversations while in the car.
Listening in the car can be difficult because of background noise and the fact that you can’t look at others to use speech reading cues while driving.
Understanding conversation while in the car has taken on more importance for cochlear implant user Soomaiya as she is teaching her daughters to drive. Watch an activity with Soomaiya and her daughter Zayna as they prepare to listen to directions in the car.
Here are some additional tips to help you achieve the goal of understanding conversation while in the car.
To Get Started
As You Progress
Once You’re Almost There
As Soomaiya explained, the use of a remote microphone can improve conversations in the car. Your communication partner wears this around their neck or on their shirt, and their speech is sent straight to your audio processor. This means the background noise does not interfere with your ability to understand conversation.
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