Published Mar 14, 2018
ADHEAR—A Revolution in Hearing Technology

ADHEAR—simply stick it on behind your ear and start hearing straight away. It sounds pretty incredible, right? ADHEAR is a brand new hearing device from MED-EL, changing the game in hearing technology.
What is it?
Stick. Click. Hear. ADHEAR is a brand new device for people with conductive hearing loss, and the first ever that is simply stuck on. Similar to a hearing aid, ADHEAR is not implanted, and so no surgery is required. It’s a pretty unique, first-of-its-kind concept giving you access to boosted hearing in a matter of seconds!
What can it offer me?
Better hearing in a matter of seconds. If you have conductive hearing loss, ADHEAR can give you improved hearing almost immediately, without the need for any surgery or rehabilitation. ADHEAR is a hearing loss solution that can offer you improved hearing, particularly in those tougher hearing situations.
How do I use ADHEAR?
It’s literally as simple as its slogan—Stick. Click. Hear. A piece of specially-designed adhesive material is first stuck behind the ear (where there is usually no hair). Then, the small ADHEAR device clicks onto the adhesive strip, locking it into place. Once ADHEAR is on, you should immediately begin to hear better!
Is ADHEAR right for me?
ADHEAR is designed for people with conductive hearing loss or single-sided deafness.
If you want to get more technical: ADHEAR is suitable for people with unilateral or bilateral conductive hearing loss, including either chronic or temporary conductive hearing loss. This also includes conditions such as atresia. Candidates should have normal bone conduction, with bone conduction thresholds of less than or equal to 25 dB HL (500–4,000 Hz).
For people suffering from single-sided deafness, ADHEAR can also be a potential solution. ADHEAR is suitable when the “non-deaf” or “normal-hearing” ear has bone conduction thresholds of less than or equal to 20 dB HL across all frequencies.
To find out your type of hearing loss, it’s always best to speak with a medical or hearing professional. Your local MED-EL Representative can put you in touch with a hearing professional to find out if ADHEAR is a suitable option for you.
What’s the difference between ADHEAR and a regular hearing aid?
Conventional hearing aids work by amplifying sounds in your ear, like a loud speaker. However people with conductive hearing loss often have blockages or issues with their outer or middle ear, meaning that even loud sounds cannot travel through to the inner ear. Hearing aids don’t really help people with this kind of hearing loss, and that’s where ADHEAR comes in. ADHEAR sends sounds as vibrations through the bone directly to the inner ear, bypassing the outer and middle ear. This form of hearing technology is called bone conduction.
What is the difference between ADHEAR and BONEBRIDGE?
You may have heard of the BONEBRIDGE, our bone conduction implant. BONEBRIDGE is surgically implanted, and it also allows people with blockages in the outer or middle ear to hear. But if you do not want to, or cannot, have surgery, ADHEAR can be a great option, as it is simply stuck straight on behind your ear.
How well will I be able to hear?
ADHEAR’s four pre-configured programs are designed to offer great hearing in different environments. In the adaptive setting, the built-in noise control and directional microphones help to drown out background sounds, so you can keep your focus on the conversation.
There are also settings for quiet environments, music, and for using external devices—for example if you plugged ADHEAR into your phone. This means you can hear your best at all times.
Why should I go with ADHEAR?
There is no other hearing solution for conductive hearing loss that is as simple and as effective as the revolutionary ADHEAR. It is the only bone conduction device that doesn’t require surgery, doesn’t require a headband, and doesn’t put lots of pressure on your skin. And that’s a pretty good way to hear!
Where can I order it?
The best thing about ADHEAR? You can test ADHEAR right away to see if it will be right for you—no waiting time and no surgery needed. Just apply an adhesive adapter and try it out. Who doesn’t love instant results?
Get in touch with your local MED-EL Representative to find out more about ADHEAR and when it will be available in your country.
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© MED-EL Medical Elektronics. Seluruh hak cipta. Konten di situs website ini untuk tujuan informasi umum dan tidak boleh dianggap sebagai masukan medis. Hubungi dokter atau Audiologis Anda untuk mengetahui solusi pendengaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan individu Anda. Tidak semua produk, fitur, atau indikasi disetujui di semua negara.
Richard J Kische
November 13, 2024
I live in the Northern Virginia/Washington, DC area-ZIP CODE 22041. Looking to obtain an ADHEAR devise. What are the best companies in my area that can provide your ADHEAR devise? Thank you. Richard Kische

November 14, 2024
Hi Richard, thank you for reaching out. Here are the contact details of the closest clinic that can support you with your request: 14102 Sullyfield Circle, Suite 2700, 20151 Chantilly. Phone: +1 703-291-9053 Kind regards

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