From earwax to ear infections, many issues can prevent sound from making its way through the outer and middle ear to the inner ear and on to the brain. Let’s explore some common causes of acquired conductive hearing loss.
From earwax to ear infections, many issues can prevent sound from making its way through the outer and middle ear to the inner ear and on to the brain. Let’s explore some common causes of acquired conductive hearing loss.
Welcome to the MED-EL Training Lab: A secret room filled with state-of-the-art equipment where visitors come to try out the latest hearing solutions and surgical technqiues. Let's go inside...
The middle ear is made up of several tiny bones that work together to transport sound waves to the inner ear and then to our brains, enabling us to hear. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for this sensitive system to stop working. But passive middle ear implants can help people with conductive hearing loss by replacing the tiniest bones in the body.
Due to a cholesteatoma, Jonas' hearing was severely limited in one ear. In today's guest article, the passionate singer and medical student talks about his journey to a middle ear implant, why hearing aids were not a solution for him, and how the SAMBA 2 helps him sing.