Published Mar 29, 2023
Rehab at Home for Adults: Hearing the TV Clearly

Welcome back to our Rehab at Home for Adults series where you can learn how to reach everyday listening goals and improve your hearing. Today’s goal is about hearing the TV clearly at a volume that is comfortable for everyone.
Goal 10: To Hear the TV Clearly at a Volume That Is Comfortable for Everyone
If you have lost your hearing over time, then it is likely that the TV volume has crept up and that can be uncomfortable for others in the house.
In this video, John and Donna reflect on the changes they have noticed while watching TV now John has a cochlear implant. They describe the impact of using AudioLink when watching TV and John explains how he progressed with the goal of hearing the TV more clearly in the seven months following his switch on.
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Tips for Hearing The TV Clearly
Here are some additional tips to help you achieve the goal of hearing TV more clearly at a volume that is comfortable for everyone.
To Get Started
- Start the captions on your TV and watch a news program so you can see the newsreader’s face and lips. Newsreaders from public news programs (e.g. BBC, ABC, and NBC) usually speak clearly and are easy to speech-read.
As You Progress
- Start the captions on your TV and watch TV programs that you have watched before.
- Watch the episode or movie again without the captions. Repetition will help you pick up more of the dialog on the TV.
Once You’re Almost There
- Watch news programs, documentaries, and your favorite scenes from movies without captions.
- If you are watching a new program or a program that has lots of music or noise in the background, you might need captions to check what you have heard or record the program, so you can re-play a segment if you miss something.
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The content on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Please contact your doctor or hearing specialist to learn what type of hearing solution is suitable for your specific needs. Not all products, features, or indications shown are approved in all countries.
Balasubramanian Manickam
April 04, 2023
Very useful. I underwent MED-EL Cochlear implant recently. Please put me on your mailing list updating the developments.

April 07, 2023
Hi there, thanks for your feedback. Please subscribe here to get all the latest articles directly in your inbox: https://blog.medel.com/ All the best on your hearing journey, Gordana
EKaterina Lashina
April 05, 2023
I want to by adhear for my daughter. She have conductive hear lost 2-3 from borth.Please tell me how can I do it in Russia?

April 07, 2023
Hello Ekaterina, thanks for reaching out. We recommend getting in touch with your local MED-EL team for any questions regarding product pricing and purchasing. Please contact them here: https://www.medel.com/contact-med-el Kind regards, Gordana
Stacy Frederick
May 31, 2023
I will have a cochlear implant (MedEl) on June 8,2023. If I could get on your email list I would appreciate it.

June 02, 2023
Stacy, thank you for sharing this with us. Please subscribe here to get all the latest articles directly in your inbox: https://blog.medel.com/. All the best on your hearing journey, Alicia
Mo Robson
June 22, 2023
I would like to receive anything to do with helping me with my Rhonda 3 implant. Thankyou

June 22, 2023
Hi Mo, thanks a lot for your comment. We recommend getting in touch with your local MED-EL team as they are best equipped to help you with any questions about our products. You can find them here by searching for your area: https://www.medel.com/clinic-finder Kind regards, Gordana
