Published Nov 15, 2023
Behind the Scenes at MED-EL: Cochlear Implant Makers Talk About Their Work
The world of hearing is full of fascinating stories, but often we don’t see the people working behind the scenes. That’s why we met with three of our dedicated MED-EL employees to learn more about their work in cochlear implant (CI) manufacturing.

Julia, Anja, and Mina have been working at MED-EL for many years, and their work is instrumental in helping CI users rediscover the world of hearing. Their tasks are varied and require precision, dedication, and exceptional attention to detail. In this article, we ask them about the challenges they face in their daily work, how their manufacturing work differs from other jobs, and what they find fulfilling at work.
How long have you been working at MED-EL and what exactly are you responsible for?
Anja: I have been working in manufacturing at MED-EL for 15 years now and have had several different responsibilities. At the moment, I’m in stimulator manufacturing. My tasks currently include electrical measurements, welding, silicone work, and optical inspection.
What is particularly important to you in your work?
Julia: For us, it’s important to offer our customers the absolute best product. That’s why we always strive to deliver the highest quality. Accuracy, cleanliness, and perfectionism are essential in this type of work.
Does implant manufacturing require teamwork, or do you work alone?
Julia: Implant manufacturing always requires teamwork because without our colleagues, manufacturing an implant would not be possible. Every step is important, so every colleague in implant manufacturing is important. Each employee is trained for every step in the manufacturing process and must be able to do all of them.
How is your work different from other manufacturing jobs?
Mina: The microscope is an indispensable part of my work. I use it more than 90% of the time I’m working. In my job, I must have excellent fine motor skills and the ability to concentrate for a long time. Having creative hobbies, like painting and crafting, makes my work very easy.
The quality required during final inspection—the step before the implant goes to the customer— is very high. Therefore, we all wear special clothing: overcoats, hoods, gloves, as well as mouth and beard protection, and we are not allowed to wear makeup. We also work in clean rooms where the air is changed 60 times per hour. With ISO class 7, the air quality is even higher than in an operating room.
What do you find particularly fulfilling about your work, and why?
Anja: The fact that we significantly improve people’s lives with our work is very fulfilling. It motivates us every day.
How has your work changed your perspective on hearing and the issue of hearing loss since you started working at MED-EL?
Mina: I realized that society is slowly becoming more aware of the topic of hearing loss. This definitely benefits CI users. It also makes you very proud when you see people wearing our products.
What challenges do you face in your daily work, and how do you overcome them?
Julia: Always keeping the quality standard at the same high level is the most difficult thing in our daily work, I think. This is only possible with good team members that motivate and support each other.
Are there any special stories from CI users that have left a lasting impression on you?
Anja: Since my husband has hearing loss in his right ear and wears a BONEBRIDGE device, I always witness the impressive results. He lost his hearing six years ago. Since communication was very difficult despite hearing aids, he could not localize sounds, and he was isolated from society, he decided to get his hearing implant two years later. It allows him to live an easier, independent life.
Meeting CI users who use the implant we created is definitely a highlight for all of us. Recently, a user from the UK came to visit our headquarters in Innsbruck. Meeting her was very emotional and eye-opening. Talking to recipients is always very rewarding for us and reminds us of the importance of our job.
What message do you have for CI users and their families about the commitment and passion that goes into making hearing implants?
Mina: We know that our work contributes to a better quality of life for CI users, and this motivates us every day. We do everything we can to make the best possible product for your needs, and we thank you for your trust in us.

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© MED-EL Medical Electronics. All rights reserved. The content on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Contact your doctor or hearing specialist to learn what type of hearing solution suits your specific needs. Not all products, features, or indications are approved in all countries.
Adelaide Zabriskie
November 17, 2023
One of the reasons I chose Medel is that there have been no recalls (I think I am right on that.). I LOVE my implant. Synchrony Flex 28. I cannot thank you enough for your dedication.,
Malaysia Sundar
November 20, 2023
One of the main reasons I chose MEDEL CI is its customised electrode for my cochlear size. My surgeon was able to insert FULL cochlear for both ears. I am a bilateral user and now enjoying the full benefits of MEDEL CI. I am MEDEL synchrony(L) and synchrony 2 (R) user. My BIG thank you to the MEDEL team members for your attentive and tedious work to ensure users such as me are able to live in this world of hearing with confidence. My best wishes to them.

November 21, 2023
Malaysia, thank you for your kind words and for sharing your journey with us. Kind regards, Alicia
Bob West
January 14, 2024
I was implanted in 1990 with a Smith andNephew implant and then later with a Med-el in the other ear because the first one got damaged. I have never looked back a rescue from a world of silence I suffered for over 30 years, MED-EL has been a wonderful company that has looked after me, along with Addenbrooks Hospital and Cambridge Hearing Trust thank you each and everyone.

January 15, 2024
Dear Bob, thank you so much for your comment. We're so happy to read about your positive CI experience! All the best for your hearing journey, Giulia
December 23, 2024
My baby wears a sonnet2 in one ear and I was wondering if he could put a sonnet3 in the other ear (now that he will have the second surgery) instead of a sonnet2.

December 24, 2024
Hi Dimitra, thank you for reaching out. We recommend getting in touch with your local MED-EL team as they are best equipped to help you in this case: https://www.medel.com/contact-med-el Kind regards, Gordana

