There is no cochlear implant without a first fitting. After having their CI implanted, every user needs audiological adjustments in order to best adapt the implant system to individual requirements and hearing needs.
There is no cochlear implant without a first fitting. After having their CI implanted, every user needs audiological adjustments in order to best adapt the implant system to individual requirements and hearing needs.
After losing her hearing in one ear in her early twenties from an abseiling accident, Sharon employed techniques to live with her hearing loss on a daily basis. Forty years of hearing loss later and with a successful career in audiology under her belt, Sharon made the decision to get a cochlear implant. Thanks
When you visit your hearing specialist for a mapping session, there’s certain important information that’s needed for programming your processor. We share some practical tips for what information you should keep track of throughout your hearing journey. Whether it’s rehabilitation information or device details, keeping well-organized records will greatly benefit you or your child.
Receiving a cochlear implant isn’t a solitary process. If you or a family member are considering a cochlear implant, there are lots of doctors and other medical professionals that you’ll meet along the way. Each of these professionals has from a different background and has a different specialty. They’ll work in collaboration with each recipient,