Tasha Ghouri is a fashion model and dancer from the UK. On her Instagram account, Tasha talks openly about being a cochlear implant user and proudly shows off her audio processor not only at photo shootings for famous fashion brands or dance videos, but also on television in the dating show “Love Island”. In this blog article, Tasha shares with us how she found her passion for dancing and modeling, who helped her on the way, and what role her CI plays in her hearing journey.
When considering a cochlear implant, people often ask whether they should wait for future technology before getting implanted. But the short answer is: no. While it is important to make an informed choice and feel comfortable with your decision to get a cochlear implant, research shows that earlier is better. Here are three reasons hearing health professionals agree “earlier is better” when it comes to cochlear implants.
Our Rehab at Home for Adults series is here to give you the tips and resources you need to achieve everyday listening goals. This blog is all about achieving the first goal: To wear your audio processor every day.
If you’re an adult or adolescent who has received a cochlear implant during COVID-19, it might have been difficult for you to access professional rehab support. However, studies show that participating in auditory rehabilitation activities can improve not only listening and cognitive skills but also how positive a person feels about their quality of life. To help you reach your listening potential from your own house, we’ve developed our Rehab at Home for Adults video series.