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7 Of The Most Inspiring Hearing Loss Instagram Accounts

Instagram might be best known for wanderlust-inducing travel pictures and mouth-watering food shots, but did you know that it’s also a great place to connect with hearing implant users from around the world?

There’s a huge community of cochlear implant recipients and parents exchanging insights into their hearing journey as well as advice for others. Just take a look at hashtags like #cochlearimplant and #cochlearimplantkids to see how many people are sharing their hearing loss stories with the Instagram community.

And if you’re not sure who to follow, we’ve rounded up a few must-follow Instagram profiles to get you started.

Talking Deaf Kid

Talking Deaf Kid shares photos of cochlear implant, hearing aid, and BAHA users from around the world. Scroll through their account for creative design inspiration and feel-good captions about living with a hearing implant. It’s also a good place to find fellow hearing implant recipients and parents so that you can connect with others in your situation.


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Shine Bionica

“I want it to be as natural to wear a hearing device as it is to wear a pair of glasses,” says Sheila Vieira, aka Shine Bionica, and her Design Cover-filled Instagram profile is a testament to that. A Brazilian cochlear implant recipient, Sheila’s interest in hearing loss led her to train as an audiologist. She uses Instagram Stories to share her tips and experiences, and regularly answers questions from the hearing loss community.


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Jackson from the Netherlands was born with Usher Syndrome type 1B, a condition that causes both hearing loss and blindness. Around 400,000 people around the world are affected by this disorder, making it the most common cause of deaf-blindness. There is no cure. Jackson’s mom, Carolien, uses Instagram to share Jackson’s journey with the world and raise awareness of this debilitating condition.


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Samantha, the face behind youcicanhearnow, is a cochlear implant recipient, hearing aid user, and paediatric audiologist from the USA. Her Instagram feed is filled with tips for people with hearing loss, from using FM systems to choosing a cochlear implant company. “I created this account to share my experience, spread awareness, & dump all my knowledge into YOU,” says Samantha.


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Crônicas da Surdez

You might have seen the #surdosqueouvem (Portuguese for “I am deaf but I can hear”) floating around Instagram. It’s the brainchild of Paula Pfeifer, a Brazilian cochlear implant recipient and the woman behind @cronicasdasurdez. Her inspiring campaign shares the story of hearing device users in Brazil and helps raise awareness of hearing loss.


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Chella Man

New York-based actor, model, and artist Chella Man has had hearing loss since his childhood and received cochlear implants in his teens. The star of TV show Titans and campaigns by Abercrombie and Fitch, he shares advice for others with hearing loss, along with basic ASL (American Sign Language) tips.


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CI supermom Christy uses Instagram to share insights from her daughter Charly’s journey to hearing, from surgery to her first words. “As a mother of a deaf child- I love that I can use my platform to make the world that she lives in more comfortable and accepting of her beautiful CIs,” says Christy.


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Are you on Instagram? Connect with us on @medel_global for tips and tricks, behind-the-scenes stories and the latest product news. Or share your picture with #medelmiracle for a chance to win a Mellie MED-ELephant.


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