Published May 01, 2015
Cochlear implants can help your child develop their communication skills—like listening and speaking—but it likely won’t be an instant change. The most effective way to help your child develop is by practicing with hearing-age-appropriate exercises.
Their hearing age isn’t the same as how old they are. Rather, it’s how long they’ve been hearing with their cochlear implant. It’s a pretty straightforward idea: practicing with exercises that are too easy won’t challenge them, and exercises that are too hard could discourage them.
So, to help you get an idea of where your child’s progress stands here are some of the steps that professionals use to chart hearing and expressive language development:
At the same time, in daily life you should give your child the chance to grow up in an environment with rich and varied language. Talk about what you are doing, talk about what your child is doing, use simple phrases, and use long and complex descriptions. Expose your child to all levels of auditory and expressive language skills. Regardless of your child’s hearing age, narrate what’s going on with a complexity of language that matches the situation.
If you’re a parent of a child with a cochlear implant, what games do you play to help develop their communication skills? Let us know in a comment below!
This post was written with help from MaryKay Theres, a speech-language pathologist.
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