Published Jun 08, 2016
All About Cochlear Implant Rechargeable Batteries
If you’ve got a SONNET and are curious about the new cochlear implant rechargeable batteries, this post will help answer all your questions.

What Are the Rechargeable Batteries?
These new rechargeable batteries represent a new era of batteries for cochlear implants: lithium-ion technology. Here’s why that’s good:
- Lithium is the third-lightest element out there
- It packs a lot of power into a very small space
- Can be charged any time, without reducing battery life
All told, this lets us develop batteries that have the best mix of size and weight.
Two Batteries, Three Configuration Options
We’ve developed two different rechargeable batteries, the Standard and the Micro.
- Up to 10 hours of hearing
- Uses the same battery cover you currently use with disposable batteries
- SONNET weighs 9.1 grams, as compared to 10.6 grams with zinc-air batteries
- Can be charged over 500 times
- Up to 7 hours of hearing
- Uses a new, smaller, battery cover that makes SONNET 51.4 mm tall, as compared to 56.7 with the standard battery cover
- SONNET weighs 8.1 grams, as compared to 10.6 grams with zinc-air batteries
- Can be charged over 500 times

You can get these two batteries in one of three configuration options:
- Three Standard batteries—up to 30 hours on a full charge
- Four Micro batteries—up to 28 hours on a full charge
- Two Standard and two Micro batteries—up to 34 hours on a full charge
Regardless of which configuration you choose, your batteries will come with a convenient charger that works via USB.
Recharging the batteries can be done at any time, thanks to their lithium-ion design. Their capacity will not be damaged by recharging them if they still have a 50% charge, for example. And charging is quick: a battery will be fully charged after only 4 hours of charging.
Works Great with WaterWear
The Standard rechargeable battery is a great choice when you’re swimming with WaterWear. When compared to rechargeable 675, alkaline, or silver-oxide batteries—which all provide 6-8 hours of hearing—the Standard rechargeable provides the longest lifetime.
The Micro rechargeable battery is not compatible with WaterWear due to its smaller size.
To order your cochlear implant rechargeable batteries, please contact your local MED-EL representative. Approval, and availability varies depending on where you live.

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© MED-EL Medical Electronics. All rights reserved. The content on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Contact your doctor or hearing specialist to learn what type of hearing solution suits your specific needs. Not all products, features, or indications are approved in all countries.
Sandra Aeppli
January 16, 2024
I have three standard rechargeable batteries for my Sonnet 2. The batteries have been in the charger for 4 days. All blue lights on the charger were out. I put one in my Sonnet 2 on Monday. It did not work. I had no sounds and no indication that there was any power in the battery. I tried all three batteries. None of them worked. I know that I have inserted them correctly into the charger and into my Sonnet 2. Besides calling my audiologist, do you have any suggestions as to what I should do now?

January 16, 2024
Sandra, thank you for your comment and question. If you have inserted the rechargeable battery correctly, we would recommend getting in touch with your local MED-EL team so that they can have a look at your device and rechargeable batteries. You can get in touch with them here: https://www.medel.com/contact-med-el Kind Regards
September 30, 2024
Where can I buy some and how much are they?

September 30, 2024
Hi Spencer, thank you for your question. We suggest getting in touch with your local MED-EL team, as they have all the latest information about product purchasing and pricing. You can do so via: https://www.medel.com/contact-med-el. Kind Regards, Giulia
Elvienne Bonnici
November 18, 2024
Hello good morning I wanted to ask you from where I want to buy battery carge of imblat pls thank you

November 18, 2024
Elvienne, thank you for your question. We would recommend getting in touch with your local MED-EL team as they can assist in purchasing information. You can get in touch with your local MED-EL team here: https://www.medel.com/contact-med-el Kind Regards
Mamadou Balde
January 12, 2025
I would like buy some batteries non chargeable . How and where can I do it ?

January 13, 2025
Hi Mamadou, thank you for your comment. Please reach out to your local MED-EL team directly for information about product purchasing and availability via this form: https://www.medel.com/contact-med-el. Kind Regards, Giulia

