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Social Integration and Making Friends
Tips & Tricks
Social Integration and Making Friends With a Hearing Implant

Being socially engaged and making friends in childhood is important for psychological well-being and is positively associated with academic success. Parents of children with hearing implants can support development of their child’s social skills by creating opportunities to build relationships with peers and by practicing these skills in structured situations. Here are some tips to develop your child’s social skills and help them make friends.

Preparing Your Child With a Cochlear Implant for School
Tips & Tricks
Preparing Your Child With a Cochlear Implant for School

How will my child manage the school environment? Will they be able to follow the lessons? Will they make friends? These are just some of the questions that parents may ask themselves before their child starts school. Guiding your child through this period so they feel confident when starting school is essential for the social and academic success of children with CIs. Here are tips on how to prepare your child for their first day of school.

For Parents
Use Your Tablet to Teach Your Child

Screens are a part of everyday life, both at work and in our free time. We use them to communicate with others, read, watch television and films, listen to music, play games, draw, attend meetings, write, browse social media, and more. As devices are used in so many ways in our lives, it is essential that we know how to use them to our best advantage so that they can be learning tools for children with hearing implants. Remember that the most valuable tool for learning with tablets is you. When you sit together with your child, the fun and learning can begin! Here are some tips for using tablets to help your child with a hearing implant learn.